Def: (noun)
inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends.

As seen by the definition fast fashion produces a lot of "waste" clothing which isn't sold after the short-lived trend ends. Some of this is sold to second-hand stores like Marshalls, but a lot of it ends up in the dumpster. This contributes to the overall trash on our planet, much of which is combusted, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which contributes to climate change. There are some small steps you can take, however to prevent the consequences of fast fashion and related phenomena.

Waste Statistics (in percentage)

DIY Scrunchies!

For all of you DIY lovers, now you can make your own scrunchies! You can be eco-friendly and not waste your old clothes!

Another great way you can fight fast fashion and prevent the waste of clothing is to purchase your clothing from stores which use eco-friendly material and fight against fast fashion. Some of these brands include Patagonia and Outdoor Voices (which is similar to Lululemon).

Here's a list of some more eco-friendly, ethical brands.

The best possible solution to this problem, however, it thrifiting. With thrift shops, like Goodwill, you can purchase nice clothing but at a fairly cheap price due to the fact that it was used. This means that clothes aren't wasted and they can be used for more than one "cycle".

Here's the Goodwill website.

You can get more information here

How this actually saves the turtles: Overall, this reduces the amount of wasted clothing material which includes, cotton, synthetic fabtics, real and fake leathers, wool, etc. This means less burned waste, which releases less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and creates a better enviorenment for all living things including land and sea turtles.
